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ME Boy (Playing Gameboy ROMS on your phone even without emulator)--> it works for almost java phones!!!!
Few of days ago, one of my friends ask me about gameboy emulator for phone. He said that it's too difficult to find the free and full version of the emulator.
Well dude, maybe you know a little about emulator. Me too, haha
However, for my stupid conclusion is that gameboy emulator is using for playing gameboy games direct on your mobile phones!!!
maybe you've seen pokemon games in this blog and however, it runs by emulator.
That's the easy example of the using of the emulator.
But somehow, like my friend's problem, he feels difficult to find good and free emulator, so that why you need this software...
This software is using for apply your gameboy games (ROMs) into java format (.jar) from your PC - even without using any emulator!!!
FuntasTiC, HuuHH??!!!
So here's the step.
Just check it out yAww???
(kesulitan ama bahasanya? simpel ajah.. pake google translate di sebelah kanan post ini. Pilih bahasa Indonesia. Tunggu sebentar, dan jadi deeehh, simpel banget loh, tanpa perlu meninggalkan halaman situs ini)
How come?
U must be shocked but well..yeah...
Here i'll show you the way !!!!!
Firstly download meboy builder from here then open it from your pc (computer), but dude, you must realize that it is on java binary format so how????!!!!
You must have java runtime installed on your pc.. download it (java runtime) from here
Then installed that java runtime to your pc. After that, open the downloaded file (meboy builder).
Firstly, you must remember to extract the meboybuilder or and meBoy into the jar ones.
Extract the examples too--> Megaman (.gbc) files by your winrar.
Right click to your file (meboybuilder.jar) , select open with--> java(TM)platform SE binary
Then it will lead you to the banner like this :
Meboy.jar created at E:\mobile9\MOZILLA\MeBoy.jar. Currently 0 ROM files. Add a ROM file or finish building MeBoy.jar?
Choose--> add ROM
Then it will be wrote like this :
MeBoy.jar created at
Now, u can transfer those files to your phones. Just transfer both of .jar and .jad file for sure.
Note: Worked and tested on Sony Ericsson K550i and Nokia 6600 at N70. With nice sounds and good resolution.
The file that you can download is meboyBuilder, MeBoy and also one examples of gameboy games (ROMs)
All Pokemon Games
Metal Gear
MOnster Rancher Battle Card
There are several factors that make Power Mp3 immensely popular and they all have their own important places. For a better insight into the world of music on mobile I am highlighting a few below:
Power MP3 offers multiple audio file format compatibility which is really a great plus and really unique for any other mobile phone music or audio player. Currently it can play OGG, AAC, MP3 among others with new formats being added into its portfolio every now and then.

It offers an excellent 10 band graphic equalizer system which can turn your mobile phone into a real monster of a music player. It also offers the spectrum view of the beats if you prefer that. The equalizers can be set to automatic or manual mode. In manual mode you can tweak every single of those 10 bands individually while auto mode changes the other bands as you change a specific band to keep a balance between the bass versus treble.
For all Symbian 9.1/9.2/9.3 (S60v3) mobiles like N73, N76, N81, N81 8GB, N82, N95, N95 8GB, etc.
![]() |
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Well i think it's so da** enough..
Three programs for a day...
Not bad Yaaa????!!!
MeBoy Builder.rar | MeBoy.rar | 1096-megaMan (gbc | Power MP3 | Fonrar