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Download DOXBox v0.72 for Symbian by kolijoco:
DOSBox is an emulator which simulates an IBM PC compatible computer running MS-DOS. It is intended especially for use with old computer games but it can also be used to run many non-game DOS programs, including Windows 3.1!
Download Windows 3.1 for Symbian:
Symbian enthusiast Marcinprv, has managed to successfully run fully functional Windows 3.1 on a Symbian device, mighty Nokia N95 to be precise by using excellent Kolijoco's S60 port of mentioned open source x86 emulator. So, in short, Marcinprv is a tallented guy who managed to even get windows 95 running on DOSBox but all credits goes to Kolijoco and his S60 port of DOSBox!
I. DOSBox v0.72 for Symbian by kolijoco
1. Unpack 'DOSBox_s60.rar' archiwe to your Memory Card
2. Install ALL aplication from 'Install' directory.
3. Try install DOSBox_Full.sisx
4. If show message: 'Not enought memory' install 'DOSBox_Slim.sisx' and replace previous version.
II. Windows 3.1 for Symbian (included Norton Commander 5)
1. Unpack 'Win3.1-on-s60_v1.1.rar' archive to your Memory Card.
2. Run DOSBox.
III. To switch between Windows 3.1 and Norton Commander 5.
1. Go to 'Data' directory on your Memory Card and find 'dosbox.conf' file.
2. Edit file in notepad.
2.1 To run Windows 3.1
# Loader 1 -- Windows 3.1
# mount a e:\Data\win31\ (To install more drivers)*
mount c e:\Data\
mount d e:\
# Loader 2 -- Norton Commander 5.0
# mount c e:\Data\
# mount d e:\
# c:
# c:\nc\nc.exe
* TO install new drivers you need tu put Windows 3.1 installer files to e:\Data\win31 directory.
Edit 'dosbox.conf' file and remove '#' in 'mount a e:\Data\win31\' line.
2.2 Run Norton Commander 5
# Loader 1 -- Windows 3.1
# mount a e:\Data\win31\ (To install more drivers)
# mount c e:\Data\
# mount d e:\
# c:
# c:\Windows\
# Loader 2 -- Norton Commander 5.0
mount c e:\Data\
mount d e:\
2.3 Changed
Added MCGA (320x200) Driver
Added Win32s v1.30c with OLE
IV. Suggestions
1. To switch between the mouse and the keyboard press "Call" key.
2. Turn off automatic screen rotation, it may cause DOSBox close.
3. To change DOSBox allocated 2MB RAM edit line 'memsize=2' in file 'e:\Data\dosbox.conf'.

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