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Instructions to get working:
This for hacked phone only.

* After install jukebox gangclub don't open it, set phone capabilities off and delete "key.bin" in "c:/private/a0000bcc" with xplore
* Open jukebox and press menu option,u will see buy and unlock regester it with kode "52759" register sucses.
* Close jukebox and open again it will ask authentication press yes, authentication done.
* Now you have jukebox legal version.Enjoy...!
* You know the imei on jukebox gangclub is regestered on Lonely cat games
Another Tricks:
~ One more Trick works on N73ME firmware:4.0839.42.2.1 27.09.2008
~ Install version 2.40 open once then close & then uninstalled it
~ Then install version from LCG Jukebox GANGCLUB 2.41
~ Working after 20+ times.
Or, if not working try this trick
Here are the steps:
1. Uninstall not working version 2.41 of gangclub.
2. Download original Jukebox from LCG. And installed, run once to see if it really works and don't try to register.
3. Install LCG Jukebox gangclub version once again.
4. Delete the key.bin in the c:/private/a0000bcc folder. Don't try to run before deleting this file!
5. Now start LCG Jukebox, register with 52759 and when it asks for web confirmation give it permission. It will say your application is authenicated and you can continue using it.
Main features:
* High quality stereo playback (if device supports stereo)
* MP3, AAC* and OGG music formats
* Internet radio streaming
* Fine volume control - 100 levels from silence to loudness
* Sleep timer letting you to fall asleep with your music
* 10-band equalizer with several presets
* Playlist editor - add, remove, save, load, order your songs
* Customizable colors
* Album image search on Internet
* Lyrics search and display
* Playback in normal or random order
* Mini mode displayed on phone idle screen
* AAC playback is supported on newer Nokia phones with built-in AAC decoder.
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