
Monday, August 31, 2009


CARA MEMASANG (INSTALL) APLIKASI PADA HANDPHONE NOKIA ANDA Download Aplikasi HP Handphone Gratis (Java Symbian) Mobiles Free game java gratis Download Gratis Aplikasi HP Handphone java symbian smart phone, pda tanpa registrasi 100% gratis Aplikasi Handphone download gratis aplikasi hp mulai dari java symbian (.jar, .sis, theme hp, theme gratis, theme Download ) dll. download gratis aplikasi hp ada game game hape terbaru .jar java .sis .exe : antivirus jamesbond quantum of solace madagascar kamus indonesia inggris pdf reader aplikasi islami dan masih banyak lagi dijamin gratis software komputer terbaru CARA MEMASANG (INSTALL) APLIKASI PADA HANDPHONE NOKIA ANDA

Langsung aja yap.
Yang lo butuhin :

  1. Sumber file installer atau pemasang yang berekstensi (berakhiran) sis bisa dari HP temen, komputer, dll. Contohnya = metalbluster.sis
  2. Mengirim file tersebut ke handphone Anda baik melalui bluetooth, infrared, kabel data, dll terserah yang penting file itu ada di handphone lo.
  3. Kalau Anda mengirim file tersebut melalui bluetooth dan infrared, biasanya, setelah pengiriman file tersebut selesai akan tampak tulisan 1 pesan baru atau one new message atau apalah namanya…. nah tinggal lo buka aja pesannya. Nanti, aplikasi pemasang akan otomatis muncul.
  4. Kalo misalnya lo dapet filenya lewat kabel data, transfer file ke MMC lewat card reader, atau yang lain…kan gak ada tulisan 1 pesan baru, jadi tinggal lo buka file itu pake system explorer (sejenis my computer kalo di komputer) seperti SeleQ, FExplorer, Smartfileman, dll. Kalo gak tau cara makenya, khusus untuk SeleQ (hehe..sori ya pengguna system explorer yang lain belom sempet gua buat cara makenya) lo klik aja di sini Nah kayakmana cara installnya? Lo buka tempet lo nyimpen tadi. Misalnya lo tadi nyimpennya di e:/ampur-campur ancur/ ya lo buka lagi. Trus lo liatin aja yang mana file sis nya (ampe kering juga boleh) trus lo buka filenya.
  5. Setelah melakukan langkah-langkah tersebut, nanti akan muncul kotak dialog kayak , application is untrusted continue anyway?, mau nginstall di mana, dll. Pokoknya lo yes-in aja semuanya soalnya kebanyakan file sis yang beredar itu file yang udah di crack sehingga kita tidak perlu melakukan registrasi lagi pada penyedia aplikasi tersebut.
  6. Githu…..kalo belum jelas tinggalin aja komen di tulisan ini. Pasti gua bantu kalo bisa dan sempet.
.jar, .sis, theme hp, theme gratis, theme Download ) dll. download gratis aplikasi hp ada game game hape terbaru .jar java .sis .exe : antivirus jamesbond quantum of solace madagascar kamus indonesia inggris pdf reader aplikasi islami dan masih banyak lagi dijamin gratis software komputer terbaru CARA MEMASANG (INSTALL) APLIKASI PADA HANDPHONE NOKIA ANDA

Menambahkan skin pada aplikasi UltraMP3!

Menambahkan skin pada aplikasi UltraMP3! Download Aplikasi HP Handphone Gratis (Java Symbian) Mobiles Free game java gratis Download Gratis Aplikasi HP Handphone java symbian smart phone, pda tanpa registrasi 100% gratis Aplikasi Handphone download gratis aplikasi hp mulai dari java symbian (.jar, .sis, theme hp, theme gratis, theme Download ) dll. download gratis aplikasi hp ada game game hape terbaru .jar java .sis .exe : antivirus jamesbond quantum of solace madagascar kamus indonesia inggris pdf reader aplikasi islami dan masih banyak lagi dijamin gratis software komputer terbaru Menambahkan skin pada aplikasi UltraMP3!

Menambahkan skin pada aplikasi UltraMP3!, memang agak susah. Harus masuk folder-folder yang mungkin tidak diketahui keberadaannya oleh orang yang tidak pernah otak-atik hape. Untuk menambah skin, yang harus anda ketahui adalah cara cut, copy dan paste file menggunakan system explorer, sejenis my computer kalau di komputer dengan OS Windows, Kalau tidak tahu, untuk penguna SeleQ, silahkan klik di sini.

File skin UltraMP3 adalah file dengan ekstensi atau akhiran mp3skin. Contoh: Ferrari.mp3skin. Mungkin Anda kebetulan melihat skin-skin keren yang ada di handphone Nokia teman Anda dan ingin mempunyainya juga, akan tetapi Anda tidak tahu bagaimana caranya. Nah, salah satu tujuan blog ini dibuat adalah agar Anda tidak terlena dimanjakan oleh “tukang konter” atau “tukang hape”. Mandiri dikitlah.. paling ga, usaha buat searching di google. Good job buat yang udah nyampe ke sini ^^ Hope you like it.

Lanjut….langsung ke intinya, kalau Anda mau kirim skin yang ada di handphone teman Anda ke handphone Anda, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah:

  1. Buka system explorer teman Anda
  2. Pergi ke x:/system/apps/UltraMP3/Skins/ dengan x adalah tempat tempat teman Anda memasang UltraMP3 (c atau e)
  3. Pilih skin yang akan Anda kirim
  4. Kirim ke handphone Anda
  5. Setelah Anda menerima file tersebut, periksalah memori pesan yang Anda gunakan (c atau e). Hal ini harus dilakukan untuk pengguna SeleQ, dan System explorer v.1.80 karena tidak mempunyai tempat tersendiri untuk inbox seperti yang dimiliki oleh Smartfileman dan FExplorer lalu carilah di x:/system/mail/ dan masukkan pada kotak find kata *.mp3skin
  6. Pindahkan file tersebut ke x:/system/apps/UltraMP3/Skins/ pada handphone Anda.
  7. Selesai, tinggal buka UltraMP3 lalu ganti skins sampai skin UltraMP3 Anda berubah menjadi skin yang tadi Anda kirim.

kata kunci Menambahkan skin pada aplikasi UltraMP3 : tambah skin mp3, skin mp3, skin ultramp3 symbian 60, aplikasi ultramp3

Psiloc Voicereminder v1.21.SymbianOS.Cracked.Read.NFO-BiNPDA

Download Aplikasi HP Handphone Gratis (Java Symbian) Mobiles Free
Download Gratis Aplikasi HP Handphone java symbian smart phone, pda tanpa registrasi, 100% gratis. Aplikasi Handphone. download gratis aplikasi hp mulai dari java, symbian (.jar, .sis, theme hp) dll. download gratis aplikasi hp ada game game hape terbaru .jar java .sis .exe : -antivirus -jamesbond quantum of solace -madagascar 2 -kamus indonesia inggris -pdf reader -aplikasi islami dan masih banyak lagi dijamin gratis
Psiloc Voicereminder v1.21.SymbianOS.Cracked.Read.NFO-BiNPDA

Voice Reminder application is the easiest way to remember everything you need. It will extend your memory making your life more efficient while saving time and effort.
Say to the device microphone what you need to remember and then select time for the alarm event. Application will then automatically let you listen to the note just when you need it alerting you with selected sound that there is something you should not forget. You can set an alarm specifying exact time in future or by deciding in what time you would like to be reminded.
Note, without specified time the application will store the voice information. There is also an option to quickly listen to all recorded alerts to let you easily get informed about everything you planed to do or an option to listen just today’s notes as well as specified types of notes.
The application is optimised to save time while using it making it an ideal tool for busy or just lazy people. With its option to mark tasks as done it can be used as the classical TODO with the major enchantment that Voice Reminder uses your voice as input instead of time taking typing. Voice Reminder application is easy to use with its nice intuitive user interface.
Other options include:
selecting sound for alarms
customizing list sorting
Start using it today and you will never tell anyone that you have forgotten about something.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Alarm Manager, Counter and Stopwatch - all in one!

Download Aplikasi HP Handphone Gratis (Java Symbian) Mobiles Free
Download Gratis Aplikasi HP Handphone java symbian smart phone, pda tanpa registrasi, 100% gratis. Aplikasi Handphone. download gratis aplikasi hp mulai dari java, symbian (.jar, .sis, theme hp) dll. download gratis aplikasi hp ada game game hape terbaru .jar java .sis .exe : -antivirus -jamesbond quantum of solace -madagascar 2 -kamus indonesia inggris -pdf reader -aplikasi islami dan masih banyak lagi dijamin gratis

Alarm Manager, Counter and Stopwatch - all in one!

Alarm Manager v1.01 Freeware by Tomasz Kilarski! The Alarm Manager allows configuration of up to eight clock alarms.Please note that the audio file is configured separately by the clock application(for the alarm #0) and by the calendar application (for alarms #1..7).New in version 1.01- stopwatch (see keybord shortcuts in menu: start, stop, restart, toggle, clear)- counter list (it is possible to play sound on expire time, audio file must bestored on any standard location, counter can be linked in a list).

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Aplikasi HP Gratis (Java): YMTiny – Yahoo Messenger J2ME di HP – YM Tiny

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ymtiny.gifYahoo Messenger buat HP anda, YMTiny adalah aplikasi berbasis J2ME Yahoo Messenger gratis yang berkoneksi langsung ke server Yahoo. Disini tidak diperlukan regristasi lain hanya perlu login dengan ID Yahoo anda.

Aplikasi ini bisa berjalan untuk HP yang mendukung CLDC 1.0 dan MIDP 2.0 dan aplikasi ini sudah di test dengan SE K510i.


- Settable message alerts: sound (midi), vibrate, flash backlight, open IM window
- Bitmap fonts for consistent interface
- “Smart Ping” maintains connection and minimizes bandwidth usage
- Receives offline messages, new mail and typing notifications
- Set status and custom status
- View a friend’s status, show and hide offline friends
- Send and receive BUZZ!!!
- Run in background and auto-restore
- Window and scroll animations
- Stylus support
- 54+2 Emoticons!
- Data counter


- Does not support HTTP/WAP connection yet
- Minimize function only works on some devices
- Stylus support is not tested yet
- Bitmap fonts could be invisible on some devices. Requires devices that support transparancy drawing.
- Emoticons only works on bitmap fonts
- Data counter may be inaccurated

Fitur Kedepan:

- Sends typing notifications (settable)
- More sounds
- Message archive
- Conference
- Skins


v1.3.2 (latest):

JAD + JAR (, 123KB)
JAD file (ymtiny.jad, 1Kb)
JAR file (ymtiny.jar, 127Kb)

v1.2 beta (update 29 Feb 2008)
JAD file (ymtiny1.2.jad, 1Kb)
JAR file (ymtiny1.2.jar, 160Kb)
v1.1 (24 Sept 2007)
JAD file (ymtiny.jad, 1Kb)
JAR file (ymtiny.jar, 165Kb)

Download: ZIP file (, 165Kb)-link oleh

Download: JAR file (ymtiny.jar) by

Download: ZIP file ( by

Download: JAR file (link) by 4shared

Download: ZIP file ( by

Aplikasi HP Gratis (Java): YMTiny – Yahoo Messenger J2ME di HP – YM Tiny Dopod P800W, LG KG320, Motorola E398, Motorola L6, Motorola ROKR E1, Motorola ROKR E2, Nokia 2630, Nokia 2865, Nokia 3155 (CDMA), Nokia 3250, Nokia 3230, Nokia 5300, Nokia 6233, Nokia 6235 (CDMA), Nokia 6280, Nokia 6300, Nokia 6600 black, Nokia 6630, Nokia 7210, Nokia E61, Nokia N70, Samsung E590, Samsung Z370, Siemens S65, Sony Ericsson K300i, Sony Ericsson K508i, Sony Ericsson K510i, Sony Ericsson K550i,Sony Ericsson K610i, Sony Ericsson K618, Sony Ericsson K750i, Sony Ericsson W200i, Sony Ericsson W550, Sony Ericsson W800i, Sony Ericsson W810, Sony Ericsson W850, Sony Ericsson W880i, Sony Ericsson W950i, Sony Ericsson Z558i,

Antivirus untuk HP ber-OS symbian

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Aplikasi Java untuk Facebook di HP - Facebook Mobile

Aplikasi Java untuk Facebook di HP - Facebook Mobile Download Aplikasi HP Handphone Gratis (Java Symbian) Mobiles Free game java gratis Download Gratis Aplikasi HP Handphone java symbian smart phone, pda tanpa registrasi 100% gratis Aplikasi Handphone download gratis aplikasi hp mulai dari java symbian (.jar, .sis, theme hp, theme gratis, theme Download ) dll. download gratis aplikasi hp ada game game hape terbaru .jar java .sis .exe : antivirus jamesbond quantum of solace madagascar kamus indonesia inggris pdf reader aplikasi islami dan masih banyak lagi dijamin gratis software komputer terbaru
Aplikasi Java untuk Facebook di HP - Facebook Mobile

Sekarang jaman nya facebook , tapi kalo mesti login dari komputer atau warnet ? capek kan ?

Nah dengan aplikasi java facebook ini , kita bisa login FB dari HP. Dengan koneksi GPRS tentu akan murah kan biaya nya dari pada dari warnet’s facebook mobile

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Download aplikasi java facebook di sini : DOWNLOAD Aplikasi Java untuk Facebook di HP - Facebook Mobile

Exclusive CWA: Dark Knight S60v2

Download Aplikasi HP Handphone Gratis (Java Symbian) Mobiles Free
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[Exclusive] CWA: Dark Knight S60v2 [Eng]

Dark Knight

In the Magic Year 607, the King Edward returned from the battlefield of Demon Empire, but he found that his elder brother had usurped his throne. Edward was trapped by the betrayers. When he was near death, the angry king turned into a Dark Knight and led his Dark Legion for revenge...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Download Tema HP Gratis

Download Tema HP Gratis

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Video Game Terlaris Sepanjang Masa

Video Game Terlaris Sepanjang Masa. Download Aplikasi HP Handphone Gratis (Java Symbian) Mobiles Free game java gratis Download Gratis Aplikasi HP Handphone java symbian smart phone, pda tanpa registrasi 100% gratis Aplikasi Handphone download gratis aplikasi hp mulai dari java symbian (.jar, .sis, theme hp, theme gratis, theme Download ) dll. download gratis aplikasi hp ada game game hape terbaru .jar java .sis .exe : antivirus jamesbond quantum of solace madagascar kamus indonesia inggris pdf reader aplikasi islami dan masih banyak lagi dijamin gratis software komputer terbaru Video Game Terlaris Sepanjang Masa
Wii Sports sejauh ini terjual 40,52 juta unit (termasuk penjualan bundling dengan konsol Wii), sementara Super Mario Bros terjual 40,24 juta.
Karena angka penjualan konsol Wii masih terus menanjak, Wii Sport diperkirakan tidak akan kesulitan menembus angka penjualan sampai 50 juta dalam waktu dekat.
VGChartz mengklaim data penjualannya ini dikompilasi dengan akurat dan komprehensif. Berikut daftar game terlaris sepanjang masa versi VGChartz tersebut, yang didominasi oleh game Nintendo:
1. Wii Sports (Wii) – 40,52 juta
2. Super Mario Bros (NES) – 40,24 juta
3. Pokemon Red / Green / Blue (Game Boy) – 31, 38 juta
4. Tetris (Game Boy) – 30,26 juta
5. Duck Hunt (NES) – 28,31 juta
6. Pokemon Gold / Silver (Game Boy) – 23,11 juta
7. Nintendogs (DS) – 21, 37 juta
8. Super Mario World (SNES) – 20, 61 juta
9. Wii Play (Wii) – 19, 68 juta
10. Super Mario Land (Game Boy) – 18,14 juta
11. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) – 17,61 juta

Video Game Terlaris Sepanjang Masa

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Covert Ops 1943 3D FOR S60V2

Download Aplikasi HP Handphone Gratis (Java Symbian) Mobiles Free
Download Gratis Aplikasi HP Handphone java symbian smart phone, pda tanpa registrasi, 100% gratis. Aplikasi Handphone. download gratis aplikasi hp mulai dari java, symbian (.jar, .sis, theme hp) dll. download gratis aplikasi hp ada game game hape terbaru .jar java .sis .exe : -antivirus -jamesbond quantum of solace -madagascar 2 -kamus indonesia inggris -pdf reader -aplikasi islami dan masih banyak lagi dijamin gratis

Covert Ops 1943 3D FOR S60V2
Covert Ops 1943 3D (java)

Nice FPS for a java game..looks good and plays well

Saturday, August 22, 2009

DownlOad GratiS APlikasi JAva RAmAdHan 2009

DownlOad GratiS APlikasi JAva RAmAdHan 2009 . Download Aplikasi HP Handphone Gratis (Java Symbian) Mobiles Free game java gratis Download Gratis Aplikasi HP Handphone java symbian smart phone, pda tanpa registrasi 100% gratis Aplikasi Handphone download gratis aplikasi hp mulai dari java symbian (.jar, .sis, theme hp, theme gratis, theme Download ) dll. download gratis aplikasi hp ada game game hape terbaru .jar java .sis .exe : antivirus jamesbond quantum of solace madagascar kamus indonesia inggris pdf reader aplikasi islami dan masih banyak lagi dijamin gratis software komputer terbaru

DownlOad GratiS APlikasi JAva RAmAdHan 2009

Dear mate,

as the continuation of my older post about Ramadhan (Islamic) application, here I'll show you a Lil bit more, yeah.
The app is including java reciter (murattal) of the Koran. So, you can read it and also hear the voice of the qori'.
And guys, I'm sorry if for this next week, seems lyk i'll go A LOT.
It's because, like I've told you before, I lost my notebook. So it almost impossible for me to go online.
Sorry for this, but I'll check this problem out later, as soon as possible.
I'll get some hardwork to get extra money in order to collect saving to pursue new notebook. Amin ^ ^

AlQuran-Al Ghasiyah (Recitation and Tarjamah)

This mobile application consists of Quran Surah Al-Ghasiyah (recitated by AsSudais) whith the translation in English and Bahasa Indonesia. You can read the translation while listening the Quran.

Java MIDP 2.0


248 KB

Asmaul Husna (Voice and Text)

This application contains of 99 of awesome name of ALLAH. I remember, in my elementary school, my teacher teach me to pronunciation this asmaul husna every day in the class.

Asmaul husna comes from Arab language. This word means : Good names.
This application contains the voice, also the text. So, you could read it while you hear it.

Language : Indonesia
Size : 356 Kb
Compatible with : almost works in all mobiles with java midp 2.0

Well, farewell buddy..
I must go abck to Surabaya again, to study again. Here, I could online because I am at home.
But if go back to my rent can guess what.
So, che ya...
Lafya all..
Happy Ramadhan for all of you, and May Allah always be with Us

smile-1.jpg smile image by spoilteen

DownlOad GratiS APlikasi JAva RAmAdHan 2009 :
DownlOad Al ghasiyah | DownlOad Asmaul husna

Friday, August 21, 2009

DeValley: Nowhere 176x208 S60v2 J2ME

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Download Gratis Aplikasi HP Handphone java symbian smart phone, pda tanpa registrasi, 100% gratis. Aplikasi Handphone. download gratis aplikasi hp mulai dari java, symbian (.jar, .sis, theme hp) dll. download gratis aplikasi hp ada game game hape terbaru .jar java .sis .exe : -antivirus -jamesbond quantum of solace -madagascar 2 -kamus indonesia inggris -pdf reader -aplikasi islami dan masih banyak lagi dijamin gratis

DeValley: Nowhere 176x208 S60v2 J2ME

Supplied BY : supplied by Esgie & bejszczur

Nowhere is not the pure adventure game. It is a mixture of adventure, action and survival horror game. The story has very important role in this game. You play John... or Lucas. To tell you the truth you don't know well. Around you everybody looks the same, places seem void and a feeling of deja vu lingers on. Nowhere is a horrific adventure, full of twists. You will explore the depths of the human soul and try to unveil the mystery hidden behind Emily's door. You have to be quiet, avoid the strange creatures that live in the world around you, hide in the shadows and kill only if you really need to. The only thing left for you to concentrate on is your survival. Nowhere has perfect scenario. There are many dialogues between the characters; you will find the messages in the rooms, there are many unpredictable twists in the game and you never know what will happen next. The game's story reminded me the movies Premonition, Number 23 or also the Sixth Sense. If you have seen these movies, you know what I am talking about. Nowhere's story has the features of the mysterious movie. The story is just great, it is comparable to the scenarios of PC games. It is a very good work of the DeValley team.
Graphics of the game is also brilliant. It is isometric graphics, similar to graphics of the game Lost or Stranded. It is detailed and the environment seems really ghostly, if you have played one of the Darkest Fear games, you can imagine it. You will enter various dark places, the games takes place during nights. You will visit various houses, forests, abandoned buildings or roads full of destroyed and abandoned cars. Nowhere is a survival horror, so prepare for gory and violent scenes. There is lot of blood in the game, if you get hurt, your character will bleed and there will be bloody puddles behind you on the ground. If you kill enemy you will see geyser of blood. Your primary weapon is the axe, so prepare for real massacres of the enemies. The developers tried to make violent scenes very realistic. The game is not suitable for kids

[Exclusive] Hard To Be A God [Now is in you Mobile] S60v2

This tactic strategy game is based on the novel by Arcady and Boris Strugatsky. Leading a group of warriors and scientists you'll take part in a number of hard battles. Your units will increase their skills and get new weapons from mission to mission.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Undead Hunter : Download Aplikasi HP Handphone Gratis

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Undead Hunter

Suitable Models:
Sony Ericsson K790i

Action of game occurs in the mad world where has brought the main hero who is taking place under operative pseudonym Gothman. He is working member of the Award of Hunters on Evil spirits. On way Gothman will meet the big variety of malicious spirits.


- Excellent graphic registration of each of 3 worlds of game
- 6 various animated types of monsters, each of which have 4 various sizes!
- Set of upgrades for the weapon and useful bonuses
- Excellent sound registration
- 2 modes of game: Quest and Survival
- The additional mode Extreme opening after passage of game
- Confidential missions and the new weapon, accessible games after passage
- Preservation of progress
- 3 intragame tables of records and online-tables of records!

Language: Russian

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

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