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SuperYumYum 2 S60v1/S60v2
Dun worry dude... IT's Totally Full Version..
KEep Touch yeaH

Leon’s back!
Help Leon the Chameleon as he journeys to save his family from the belly of Tum Tum the Fruit Monster in the sequel to the smash hit for mobile Super Yum Yum.
Guide Leon and follow the trail of Fruit and Babies across Jungle, Beach, Pond and Space Worlds to rescue his little ones and save the day.
In each level Leon must eat all of the fruit and rescue his babies before reaching the exit.
Leon must also combine his eating power with his babies in order to eat the giant fruit scattered throughout each world.
At the end of each world Leon and his babies must complete an exciting mini game in order to progress to the next world.
A special treat awaits if you rescue all the babies and eat all the fruit along the way.
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