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DeValley: Nowhere 176x208 S60v2 J2ME

Supplied BY : supplied by Esgie & bejszczur
Nowhere is not the pure adventure game. It is a mixture of adventure, action and survival horror game. The story has very important role in this game. You play John... or Lucas. To tell you the truth you don't know well. Around you everybody looks the same, places seem void and a feeling of deja vu lingers on. Nowhere is a horrific adventure, full of twists. You will explore the depths of the human soul and try to unveil the mystery hidden behind Emily's door. You have to be quiet, avoid the strange creatures that live in the world around you, hide in the shadows and kill only if you really need to. The only thing left for you to concentrate on is your survival. Nowhere has perfect scenario. There are many dialogues between the characters; you will find the messages in the rooms, there are many unpredictable twists in the game and you never know what will happen next. The game's story reminded me the movies Premonition, Number 23 or also the Sixth Sense. If you have seen these movies, you know what I am talking about. Nowhere's story has the features of the mysterious movie. The story is just great, it is comparable to the scenarios of PC games. It is a very good work of the DeValley team.
Graphics of the game is also brilliant. It is isometric graphics, similar to graphics of the game Lost or Stranded. It is detailed and the environment seems really ghostly, if you have played one of the Darkest Fear games, you can imagine it. You will enter various dark places, the games takes place during nights. You will visit various houses, forests, abandoned buildings or roads full of destroyed and abandoned cars. Nowhere is a survival horror, so prepare for gory and violent scenes. There is lot of blood in the game, if you get hurt, your character will bleed and there will be bloody puddles behind you on the ground. If you kill enemy you will see geyser of blood. Your primary weapon is the axe, so prepare for real massacres of the enemies. The developers tried to make violent scenes very realistic. The game is not suitable for kids
[Exclusive] Hard To Be A God [Now is in you Mobile] S60v2

This tactic strategy game is based on the novel by Arcady and Boris Strugatsky. Leading a group of warriors and scientists you'll take part in a number of hard battles. Your units will increase their skills and get new weapons from mission to mission.
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