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POKEMON Red, Blue & Yellow
TOWM presents...
Red, Blue & Yellow
Three Gameboy classics brought directly to your mobile phone. Thanks to 'MeBoy' (the Java Gameboy emulator), you can re-live these titles all over again.

2 - Up
4 - Left
6 - Right
8 - Down
7 - A
9 - B
* - Start
# - Select
Phone compatibility
In a perfect world, MeBoy would run on any phone with support for Java MIDP 2 and having a screen with 160x144 or more pixels. However, not all Java implementations are created equal, much to the chagrin of developers. These are models that have been verified by MeBoy users.
LG LX550 (Fusic)
LG MG320c
Motorola A780
Motorola E6
Motorola Rokr E2
Motorola Rokr E6
Motorola U6
Motorola V360
Motorola V360v
Motorola V635
Motorola V980
Nokia 5200
Nokia 5300
Nokia 6085
Nokia 6101
Nokia 6111
Nokia 6131
Nokia 6151
Nokia 6230i
Nokia 6233
Nokia 6300
Nokia N70
Samsung SGH-ZV10
Sony Ericsson D750i
Sony Ericsson K300i
Sony Ericsson K310
Sony Ericsson K310a
Sony Ericsson K310i
Sony Ericsson K500
Sony Ericsson K510i
Sony Ericsson K550i
Sony Ericsson K610i
Sony Ericsson K700i
Sony Ericsson P990
Sony Ericsson S700i
Sony Ericsson W200i
Sony Ericsson W300i
Sony Ericsson W550i
Sony Ericsson W710i
Sony Ericsson W800i
Sony Ericsson W810i
Sony Ericsson W850i
Sony Ericsson W880i
Sony Ericsson Z550
Sony Ericsson Z550i
Sony Ericsson Z610i
Motorola KRZR
Motorola L6
Motorola Slvr L7
Motorola V360
Nokia 5200
Nokia 6280
Samsung D600
Sony Ericsson K610i
Sony Ericsson K750i
Sony Ericsson K800i
Sony Ericsson W300i
Sony Ericsson W600i
Sony Ericsson W850i
Not Compatible:
Motorola V190
Motorola Z3
Nokia 3660
Nokia 7390
Siemens C75
Sony Ericsson Z530i
*NOTE - No program is without it's share of bugs, here are the notable (known) ones for MeBoy, as of version 1.3.1:
-MeBoy currently does not support sound. J2ME only has support for playing pre-recorded sounds and music tracks, which is not suitable for emulating the Gameboy's sound chip. (Instead, it is recommended that you repeatedly hum the catchiest part of the game's music! If people look strangely at you, try to hum louder.)
-There is currently no support for scaling (i.e. expanding or contracting) the image to make better use of very small or very large screens. I know a lot of you want this, and I hope to include it in a future version (contracting first, because it's easier to throw away pixels than to add them).
-Some games are not drawn correctly, in particular some graphics that should be "in front of" other graphics are instead drawn behind. This is generally the result of certain shortcuts used to speed up emulation by sacrificing accuracy.
-MeBoy currently does not support multiplayer games (using the link cable).
-When using the phone's menus and at other times, the border around the screen is not always drawn correctly. This does not affect gameplay, and is the results of certain shortcuts taken for the sake of speed.
-Some Sony Ericsson phones (including K700i) will misinterpret button presses when the joystick is held in some direction. This means only buttons 5, 7 and 9 can be reliably used together with the joystick, and the other buttons work "sometimes". (This is not really a MeBoy issue per se, but it is a limitation when playing Gameboy games.)
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