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Security Genius S60v3 OS9.1 (untuk jaga-jaga klo hape ilang)
"Security Genius" application is a value-added service on Nokia S60 3.0 platform. It can protect a mobile user from losing his/her phone just in case the phone is lost. For example, if a user has lost his /her phone and someone has picked up the phone. If another SIM card has plugged into in the phone, then a customized message will be automatically sent out to the pre-defined mobile numbers at the boot-up of the phone. In this case, the user can get to know the person's mobile number. For security reason, the application can ONLY be auto-started at the machine boot-up. Once the application is installed, a user cannot find it anywhere in the "My Own" or "Installed" folders. The main reason for this is that it prevents the phon- picker from un-installing the application and/or finding the existence of the application on the phone if the phone is lost. In order to enter the application, a user has to "dial" a password (which is defined by the application) plus a "#" character in the active idle screen. The default password is "123456", which means, if a user wants to enter the application, the user needs to input the following character sequence in the active idle screen (like the way a user gets the IMEI number):123456# Once the user has entered the application, the user has the freedom to change the password to any other ones (which consists of numeric numbers from "0" to "9"). Then length of the password should be no less than 6, and the maximum length is 10. Main Window:1. Phone security function
If this option is on, then a SIM card change event will trigger the sending of SMS to the specific mobile numbers. If this option is off, then even a SIM card change event happens, nothing will be done.
2. Security password
This is used to set the phone security password. The default password is "123456". A user may "dial" this number in the active idle screen to bring the app to the foreground. Please be noted that the application can ONLY be started at boot-up. If a user has changed the password to something else, then the user needs to "dial" the new password in order to get into the application. For example, if a user has changed the password to "456789", then in order to bring forward the application, a user has to "dial":456789#
3. Mobile number1
This is the mobile number used to send SMS to if there is SIM card change event happens and "Phone security function" is on. At each boot-up, a customized SMS message is sent to this number once only. In the next boot-up of the phone, the SMS will be sent again until the number of sent SMS has reached to the pre-defined maximum number of SMS. Please be noted that this number should be a mobile number.
4. Mobile number 2
It works the same way as last item.
5. Phone security message
Define the customized SMS for sending to "Mobile number 1" and "Mobile number 2". The message length should not be longer than 140 characters.
6. Max number of SMS
Define the maximum number of SMS to be sent to "Mobile number 1" and "Mobile number 2". If a user has defined two valid mobile numbers in the number fields, then each of the number will receive half of this maximum number of SMS if a SIM card event happens.
7. Auto start enable
By default, this application is auto-started, and this is the ONLY way to get the app started. If a user turned this option to off, then this application will never have a chance to start it again unless the user re-install the application
compatible with :
3250,5500,E50,E60, E61,E62,E70,N71,N73,N80,N91.
WebGate Advanced Device Locks Pro v2.00 37 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Unsigned Cracked-illusion
Advanced Device Locks Professional Edition
The bestselling utility tool Advanced Device Locks goes professional to provide you with the most comprehensive all-in-one mobile security package for your phone:
Device and application locks
Secure storage of files
Remote lock, alarm and data wipe
What can ADL Pro do for you?
ADL Pro protects important information and personal data that you have stored in your phone. With ADL Pro you can restrict access to certain applications, protect sensitive information and delete it remotely in case your phone is lost or stolen. With ADL Pro you can rest assured that if your phone is lost or stolen, you will be notified of any unauthorized attempt to use it and trace it back. You can lock the phone remotely, switch on an alarm or delete data by simply sending a text message with a predefined keyword.
1. Application and Phone Locks
ADL Pro allows you to lock your phone automatically by choosing one of the following options:
Always - each time the phone is turned on, it asks for the unlock code.
When SIM Changed - the locks are on if the SIM card of the phone is changed.
Automatic lock - an automatic lock is switched on after a specified period of inactivity in minutes.
Protect applications - this option turns on the device locks if someone tries to access the protected applications.
2. Secure Storage
ADL Pro comes with a password-protected secure storage where you can place your confidential files. Files can be recovered easily by entering a password. You can use the security storage as a safety deposit box for all of your confidential documents, pictures or audio/video files.
3. SMS on SIM changed
ADL Pro alerts you if the SIM card on your phone has been changed by sending a notification SMS to a predefined number. The IMSI number of the new SIM card will be secretly sent to your backup number without the notion of the unauthorized user and your mobile operator and local authorities can assist you to track the new user and trace the phone.
For a backup number you can use the number of your backup phone, or the number of your secretary, spouse, colleague or friend. If you have more than one SIM card and you wish to authorize them to use with your phone, you can do that by simply entering your pass-code once and the SIM card/s will be remembered for further usage.
4. Remote Lock
Remote Lock is a combination of settings designed to protect the phone from theft and abuse. You can pre-select an action for ADL Pro in case an SMS with the keyword is received.
Options are:
- Lock the phone
- Switch on an alarm
- Delete selected data
By choosing the Delete option, you can remotely delete sensitive data from your phone, such as Contacts, SMS, Gallery, Calendar and Secure Storage to protect it from unauthorized usage. If this option is selected and remotely activated, your phone will send you an SMS with a confirmation request to prevent from accidental mistakes.
Note: Don’t forget to make regular full backup of your device. The default code is 0000
Read the User Manual Guide for more info on how to use this application.
Advanced Device Locks
Professional Edition
for Nokia S60 3 rd
edition phones
(6110/ N80/N93/N95/E50/E60/E61(i)/E90)
For complete list of supported devices please click here.
Version 2.00.12
The information contained in this guide is correct as of the time of its publishing (May 2008).
WebGate reserves the right to make changes to the user guide and services described therein.
Nokia is a trademark of Nokia Corporation.
Page 1
1. ABOUT ADVANCED DEVICE LOCKS PROFESSIONAL EDITION ................................................... 4
2. INSTALLATION AND ACTIVATION.............................................................................................. 5
2.1. Installation...............................................................................................................................................................5
2.2. Product Versions.......................................................................................................................................................5
2.3. License Activation .....................................................................................................................................................5
2.4. Note for ADL Basic Edition users ................................................................................................................................6
3. QUICK START GUIDE.................................................................................................................. 7
3.1. Change the Lock Code ..............................................................................................................................................7
3.2. Activate Lock at Power On.........................................................................................................................................7
3.3. Lock the Phone When Inactive...................................................................................................................................7
3.4. Protect Applications ..................................................................................................................................................8
3.5. Protect Files .............................................................................................................................................................8
3.6. Receive Warning on SIM Change................................................................................................................................9
3.7. Activate Remote Lock................................................................................................................................................9
4.1. Changing the Code ................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.2. Configuring Device Locks......................................................................................................................................... 11
4.3. Protecting Applications ............................................................................................................................................ 12
4.4. Unlocking the Device............................................................................................................................................... 12
5. PROTECTING FILES: SECURE STORAGE ................................................................................... 13
5.1. About Secure Storage ............................................................................................................................................. 13
5.2. Accessing Secure Storage........................................................................................................................................ 14
5.3. Adding Files to Secure Storage................................................................................................................................. 14
5.4. Viewing Info for Protected Files................................................................................................................................ 15
5.5. Deleting Protected Files........................................................................................................................................... 15
5.6. Restoring Files Back to Their Original Locations ......................................................................................................... 16
Page 2
5.7. Moving Files to Different Secure Storage Folders ....................................................................................................... 16
5.8. Managing Secure Storage Folders ............................................................................................................................ 17
6. REMOTE LOCK OPTIONS........................................................................................................... 18
6.1. About Remote Lock................................................................................................................................................. 18
6.2. Accessing Remote Lock ........................................................................................................................................... 18
6.3. Activating Remote Lock ........................................................................................................................................... 19
6.4. Activating Remote Alarm ......................................................................................................................................... 20
6.5. Remote File Deletion............................................................................................................................................... 21
7. SMS ON SIM CHANGE...............................................................................................................22
7.1. About SMS on SIM Change ...................................................................................................................................... 22
7.2. Activating SMS on SIM Change ................................................................................................................................ 22
8. BEST PRACTICE: USE ADL PRO WITH SMS SPAM MANAGER ................................................... 23
9. FAQ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Page 3
1. About Advanced Device Locks Professional Edition
Pic 1: The ADL Pro icon in your
Applications folder
With Advanced Device Locks Professional Edition (ADL Pro) you can protect important
information and personal data in your phone. You can do the following:
Device Locks
• ADL Pro can lock your phone at power on, upon SIM change, or after a period of inactivity.
Advanced SIM Change Protection
• If your SIM card has been changed, ADL Pro automatically sends a text message to another
Access Restrictions
• You can:
• Protect selected applications. To learn more, see Chapter 4.3: Protecting Applications.
• Protect selected files from unwanted or unauthorized access. See Section 5: Secure Storage.
Remote Security
• By sending a text message to your phone, you can lock the device, start an alarm, or delete
selected data.
To unlock your device, you use a unique secure code up to 7 characters long. The secure code is
defined in advance. (To learn more, see Chapter 4.1: Changing the Code.)
Accessing Advanced Device Locks Professional Edition
To access ADL Pro, open your Applications menu, and then open the My Own folder (Picture 1)
Locate and click the Advanced Device Professional Edition icon.
The name of the folder may vary, depending on the phone model; it could also be called Applications or Installations.
Page 4
2. Installation and Activation
Pic 2: The Activate button in your
Options menu
2.1. Installation
Open the installation file and the on-device installation engine will guide you trough the process.
You can install ADL Pro on your phone memory but you cannot install the application on a memory
2.2. Product Versions
This product is distributed as a:
Trial version
ADL Pro is offered for download as a full functional 7-day trial version. After reaching this limit, the
application will request license activation.
Licensed version
Once purchased, the license activates the product and grants unlimited use of ADL Pro.
The license is based on the unique IMEI (Device ID) number of your phone and is exclusive to the
phone it is purchased for.
2.3. License Activation
You can use the Activate button from the ADL Pro Options menu (Picture 2) to activate the product.
Before you activate the product, make sure you:
ƒ Have purchased a license from the same website where you downloaded the trial.
ƒ Can go online from your phone.
Page 5
2.4. Note for ADL Basic Edition users
You can install ADL Pro as an upgrade, without removing the basic edition.
Switching between ADL Professional and Basic should preserve the following data:
ƒ Configuration settings
ADL Pro does not use the settings you made with the basic edition; however, if you later return to
the basic edition, simply install it again your old settings will be restored.
ƒ License
Each of the two applications needs a separate license. However, restoring the licensed application
will also restore your license.
ƒ Trial period
Each of the two applications has its own trial period.
The above will not work if you:
ƒ Remove one application before installing the other one – installation needs to be carried out
ƒ Delete files on your device (such as the license file for the application you uninstalled)
Page 6
3. Quick Start Guide
3.1. Change the Lock Code
First you need to replace the default secure code with your own unique combination. To do so, open the Code page and follow the steps on the screen:
1. Under Enter old code, type the default code (0000).
2. Under Enter new code, type your own unique sequence.
3. Under Confirm new code, enter your new code again.
4. Click Done.
See also Chapter 4.1: Changing the Code.
3.2. Activate Lock at Power On
To set up ADL Pro so that the phone locks every time it is turned on:
Open the Locks page and click At power on.
Select Always.
You can also choose to turn this setting off, or to activate the lock only if ADL Pro detects that the SIM card has been changed. See Chapter 4.2:
Configuring Device Locks.
3.3. Lock the Phone When Inactive
To lock the phone when it has not been used for a given period of time:
1. On the Locks page, click Options and then select Auto lock interval.
Enter the desired period in minutes and click OK.
Return to the Locks page and turn the feature ON by clicking Auto lock.
See also Chapter 4.2: Configuring Device Locks.
Page 7
3.4. Protect Applications
Your phone may be set up so that it requires a password (the ADL Pro lock code) every time a given application is opened. To do so:
1. On the Locks page, click Options >Protect Applications.
2. Click to select and deselect the applications from the list. When ready, click Done.
3. Return to the Locks page and turn the feature ON by clicking Protect Applications.
See also Chapter 4.3: Protecting Applications.
3.5. Protect Files
You can move one or more files to a safe area on your phone called Secure Storage. While in Secure Storage, a file cannot be opened. To access Secure
Storage, you need a password.
To move files to Secure Storage:
1. Select Options > Secure Storage.
2. Enter the lock code when prompted.
3. Using your left and right arrow buttons, navigate to the Secure Storage folder where you want to move the file(s).
To keep Secure Storage neat and organized, it is better to store items by type – for example, put videos in the Videos folder, etc. However, you can always
create, rename, delete and rearrange folders in Secure Storage. To learn more, see Chapter 5.7: Moving Files to Different Secure Storage Folders and Chapter
5.8: Managing Secure Storage Folders.
4. Select Options > Protect More Files.
5. Navigate to the location of the file(s) you wish to protect.
6. Select each file by clicking it, or use Options > Mark/Unmark. When ready, click Done.
7. Click Yes to confirm the move when prompted.
To learn more about Secure Storage, see Section 5: Secure Storage.
Page 8
3.6. Receive Warning on SIM Change
In case your SIM card has been changed without your authorization, you can set up ADL Pro to send an SMS warning to a phone number of your choice.
To enable sending the warning message:
1. Select Options > SMS on SIM Change
2. On the SMS on SIM Change screen, switch Send SMS to ON.
3. Enter the number of the trusted phone where you want to receive the message.
4. Select OK.
The SMS contains the unique number of the new SIM card (called IMSI). You can track this number to its owner with the help of your local service provider
and the authorities. Moreover, you will instantly learn the phone number of the new SIM card, since the text message is sent from that number.
See also Section 7: SMS on SIM Change.
3.7. Activate Remote Lock
If you have reasons to believe somebody else is using your phone without your authorization, you can send an SMS message to your phone and ADL will do
the following:
• Hide your incoming message from whoever is using the phone
• Lock the phone
• Activate an alarm (optional)
• Delete confidential information on your phone (optional)
You can also use this functionality if your SIM card has been replaced with another one. If this is the case, make sure you send your SMS message to the phone
number corresponding to the new SIM card. (To learn more, see Chapter 3.6: Send Warning on SIM Change.)
To enable Remote Lock:
1. Select Options > Remote Lock.
2. On the Remote Lock page, turn Remote Lock ON.
3. Select Enter keyword and type a keyword that you will send to your phone.
You can also select Options and decide to activate the optional features, Alarm and Delete, if you deem it necessary.
4. Select OK.
See also Chapter 6.3: Activating Remote Lock.
Page 9
4. Working with Advanced Device Locks Professional Edition
4.1. Changing the Code
Pic 3: The Code page
First you need to replace the default lock code with your own unique code.
To do this, open the Code page (Picture 3) and follow the steps as shown on the screen:
1. Enter old code
Enter the default secure code 0000.
2. Enter new code
Enter your PIN code (or another unique combination).
3. Confirm new code
4. Press Done to apply the new code.
Page 10
4.2. Configuring Device Locks
Page 11
Pic 4: The Locks page
Pic 5: The At Power ON menu
The Locks page (Picture 4) gives you the following options:
At power on
Click to choose whether your phone will ask for the code every time it is switched on (Picture 5).
• Off
• Always
• When SIM changed
The lock will be activated only if you have changed the SIM card.
Automatic lock
Select to activate the automatic lock. The phone locks after a specified period of inactivity in minutes.
To specify inactivity period:
1. Click Options and then select Auto lock interval (Picture 6).
2. Enter the period in minutes and click OK (Picture 7). The default value is 5 minutes.
The longest period you can enter here is 60 minutes.
Pic 6: Auto lock interval
Pic 7: The Auto Lock Interval screen
Protect Applications
If this feature is ON, the device lock is activated when someone tries to access certain protected
applications. To learn more, see Chapter 4.3: Protecting Applications.
4.3. Protecting Applications
Pic 8: The list of applications to protect
To protect one or more applications from unauthorized access:
1. From the Options menu (Picture 6 on the previous page), select Protect Applications.
2. The list of all applications on your phone appears (Picture 8). Select the ones you want to
protect. When ready, click Done.
You can use ADL Pro with SMS Spam Manager to create a password-protected storage folder for
some text messages you receive.
To do so, add SMS Spam Manager to the list of protected applications. In SMS Spam Manager you
should define rules for the messages that you want to keep away from your Inbox. To learn how,
refer to the SMS Spam Manager manual.
4.4. Unlocking the Device
Pic 9: The lock code
When your phone is locked, the dialog on Picture 9 appears.
If the lock was activated because of a protected application, you can click Back to go to the
main menu of your phone.
If your device was locked at power ON, or because of inactivity, the Back soft key is unavailable.
The dialog will persist until you enter the valid unlock code.
Page 12
5. Protecting Files: Secure Storage
5.1. About Secure Storage
Pic 10: Secure Storage
What is Secure Storage?
Secure Storage (Picture 10) is an area on your phone where you can move files you
want to protect from unauthorized or unwanted access.
How does it work?
ADL Pro copies the files to Secure Storage and deletes them from their original
Once “secured”, a file cannot be opened. To view or edit a file, you first need to
restore it back to its original location. The operation is password protected.
You can do the following in Secure Storage:
• Add and remove files.
• View brief information about each file.
• Move files within Secure Storage folders.
• Delete files.
• Manage Secure Storage folders.
To open Secure Storage, you need to enter the lock code.
Page 13
5.2. Accessing Secure Storage
Pic 11: Accessing Secure Storage
1. From the main ADL Pro page, click Options, and then select Secure Storage from the list
(Picture 11).
2. Enter the lock code and click OK.
5.3. Adding Files to Secure Storage
Pic 12: The Protect More Files command
You can add one file at a time, or more. To add more than one file at a time, consider the
• All files must come form the same original location
• All files will go to the same Secure Storage folder
You can later move a file from one Secure Storage folder to another. See Chapter 5.7: Moving
Files to Different Secure Storage Folders.
To add files, open Secure Storage and do the following:
1. Navigate to the folder where you want the files to be added.
2. Select Options > Protect More Files (Picture 12).
3. Navigate to the original location of the files.
4. Click to select each file, or use Options > Mark. When ready, click Done.
5. When prompted, click Yes to confirm that you want to add the selected file(s) to Secure
Page 14
5.4. Viewing Info for Protected Files
Pic 13: The File Info page
Once in Secure Storage, a file cannot be opened unless you restore it back to its original
location. In a Secure Storage folder, you see the names of the files only. To view more about a
protected file,
• Select Options > View File Info.
A new page opens (Picture 13), showing:
• the file size
• the date when the file was moved to Secure Storage
• the original location
5.5. Deleting Protected Files
Pic 14: File deletion
To delete a file in Secure Storage,
• Focus the file, and then select Options > Delete (Picture 14).
To delete more than one files at once,
• Select the files (by clicking or from Options > Mark), and then select Options > Delete
When prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion.
Deleted files cannot be restored!
Page 15
5.6. Restoring Files Back to Their Original Locations
Pic 15: The Options > Restore command
To move a file back to its original location,
• Focus the file, and then select Options > Restore (Picture 15).
To restore more than one files at once,
• Select the files (by clicking or from Options > Mark), and then select Options > Restore
When prompted, click Yes to confirm the restoration.
You can scroll down the confirmation dialog to view the list of original locations.
This operation is password protected. You will be asked to provide the Secure Storage keyword in
order to proceed.
Trial users can restore files after the trial period is over and without activating a license. To do so,
• Open ADL Pro and select Options > Restore protected files.
5.7. Moving Files to Different Secure Storage Folders
Pic 16: The Select Destination page
Files can be moved from one Secure Storage folder to another – one by one, or in groups.
To move one file:
1. Focus the file and select Options > Move to Folder.
2. On the Select Destination folder page (Picture 16), click the desired destination folder.
To move a group of files from one folder to another:
1. Mark the files and then select Options > Move Marked to Folder.
On the Select Destination page, click the desired destination folder.
Page 16
5.8. Managing Secure Storage Folders
Pic 17: The Managing Folders page
You can add, rename and delete Secure Storage folders. You can also arrange the order of the
folders to suit your needs.
Folders are managed from the Managing Folders page (Picture 17). To access the page,
• Select Options > Manage Folders.
To add a new folder:
1. On the Managing Folders page, focus the folder below which you want the new folder to
2. Select Options > Add New Folder.
3. Enter a name for the new folder. When ready, select Done.
To rename an existing folder:
1. Focus the folder. Select Options > Rename Folder.
2. Enter the new name and when ready, select Done.
To delete a folder:
1. Focus the folder. Select Options > Delete Folder.
2. When prompted, select Yes to confirm the deletion.
You cannot delete:
• a non-empty folder
• the last remaining folder in Secure Storage.
Changing the order of the folders
To move a folder to a different position, simply mark the folder (by clicking it) and scroll to the
desired position. When ready, click again to unmark the folder.
Page 17
6. Remote Lock Options
6.1. About Remote Lock
Remote Lock is an ADL Pro feature allowing you to lock your phone by sending an SMS with a pre-defined keyword.
The Remote Lock keyword is different from the ADL Prolock code. You set up the Remote Lock
keyword when you activate the feature. See Chapter 6.3: Activating Remote Lock.
Additionally, you can set up Remote Lock to:
• switch on an alarm
• delete sensitive information on your phone
6.2. Accessing Remote Lock
Pic 18: Options > Remote Lock
To access Remote Lock, select Options > Remote Lock (Picture 18).
Page 18
6.3. Activating Remote Lock
Pic 19: Enter and Confirm keyword
To activate Remote Lock:
1. Open the Remote Lock page and click the Remote Lock item. The indicator changes
from OFF to ON.
2. Click Enter keyword to type the keyword you need to send in order to lock the phone.
When ready, select OK.
The keyword you type here is not case sensitive.
3. Click Confirm keyword and type the keyword again. Select OK.
You cannot activate Remote Lock without a valid keyword (entered and confirmed).
Page 19
6.4. Activating Remote Alarm
To set up ADL Pro so that each time you send the keyword an alarm is switched on:
1. Open the Remote Lock page and make sure Remote Lock is ON. Select the Options item (Picture 20).
2. Select the Alarm item. The indicator changes from OFF to ON (Picture 21).
3. Select Done to return to the main Remote Lock page.
The text under the Options item confirms that the alarm is activated (Picture 22).
4. Select OK to exit Remote Lock.
Pic 20: The Options item
Pic210: Alarm is ON
Pic 22: The alarm is activated
Page 20
6.5. Remote File Deletion
Pic 23: File deletion is active but nothing is
Pic 24: he list of items to delete
To activate remote file deletion:
1. On the main Remote Lock page, select the Options item.
2. Click the Delete item.
Setting Up File Deletion (Choosing What to Delete)
The text below the Delete item says that you have not chosen what you want to delete. (On
picture 23, the text says “Activated: None”). To choose what types of items to delete:
1. Select Options > Delete Settings.
2. Select one or more type of information to delete (Picture 24). When ready, select Done.
Please back up your files! You will not be able to restore the information you select
here, unless you keep a back-up copy elsewhere.
Activation (Sending SMS)
To activate Remote Lock with file deletion, you need to send two SMS messages. The first
message locks the phone and starts a three-minute countdown. Within this period, you receive a
text message with the following text: “File deletion activated. To confirm, send the text message
again within the next 3 minutes.”
Files are deleted only if your phone receives the second SMS within three minutes.
Important note about deleting messages
Because email messages do not usually reside on the device, ADL Pro does not delete
them. Only SMS messages are deleted.
Page 21
7. SMS on SIM Change
7.1. About SMS on SIM Change
SMS on SIM Change sends a text message to a trusted phone if ADL Pro detects that your SIM card has been changed. The message contains
the IMSI of the new SIM card.
What is IMSI?
IMSI stands for International Mobile Subscriber Identity. It is a unique number which allows you to track the SIM card to its owner. If your
phone is stolen and your SIM card is replaced, you should call the police or your mobile operator immediately and give them the IMSI of the
new card.
7.2. Activating SMS on SIM Change
Pic 25: The SMS on SIM Change page
To activate SMS on SIM Change:
1. Open the SMS on SIM Change page (Picture 25): from the main ADL Pro page, select
Options > SMS on SIM Change.
2. Click the Send SMS item to switch the feature ON.
3. Click the Phone number item, enter the number of the trusted phone, and when ready,
select OK.
1. Select OK to exit the SMS on SIM Change page.
Page 22
8. Best Practice: Use ADL Pro with SMS Spam Manager
For users of Webgate’s SMS Spam Manager
You can use ADL Pro with SMS Spam Manager to create a password-protected storage folder for some text messages you receive.
To do so,
• In ADL, turn the Protect Aplications feature ON and add SSM to the list of protected applications.
• In SSM define rules for some messages. Messages that meet your rules will not reach your Inbox. (To learn more, refer to the SMS Spam Manager
Page 23
9. FAQ
Q1: How can I lock pictures, documents, or contacts?
A1: Using Protect Applications and Secure Storage.
You use an inbuilt application to open various items. Protect Applications locks the inbuilt application so that your items become password protected.
To learn how to protect applications, see Chapter 4.3: Protecting Applications.
To protect documents, we recommend using Secure Storage – a safe area on your phone with the following advantages:
• Secure Storage is invisible if you browse through your files using a file browser. You can only access Secure Storage from ADL Pro.
• To access Secure Storage, you need a password.
• You cannot open files kept in Secure Storage. To open a Secure Storage file, you need to restore it to its original location first. This operation is
password protected.
To learn how to use Secure Storage, see the Secure Storage section.
Q2: I want to protect some text messages, but not all. Can I do that?
A2: Yes, if you have SMS Spam Manager installed together with ADL.
With SMS Spam Manager you can filter certain messages so they don’t go to your Inbox. To learn more about filtering messages, refer to the SMS Spam
Manager manual.
Once you have established that these messages can only be accessed with SMS Spam Manager, lock SMS Spam Manager: Options>Protect
Applications > SMS Spam Manager.
Q3: The application cannot be installed on the removable media (memory card). Why is that?
A3: Allowing the application to install on removable drives leads to security problems. Removing the installation drive causes the device to unlock.
Q4: Can an unauthorized person uninstall the application and get access to the protected content?
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A4: Yes. That is why we advise you to make App. Manager and Installer protected applications. If somebody tries to install or uninstall something on
your phone, they will be asked for the lock code.
Q5: On the first use the Advanced Device Locks Professional Edition asks me for a lock code. Which code should I use?
A5: The default code is 0000. It is strongly recommended that you change this code upon the first use of the product. See also Chapter 4.1: Changing the
Q6: I want to move a few files to a safe place on my phone, where they will not be accessed even if I don’t make my file browser a
protected application. Can I do that?
A6: Yes – by using Secure Storage. To learn how, see the Secure Storage section.
Please bear in mind that files in Secure Storage cannot be opened. To view a file, you need to “unsecure” it first. Secure Storage only allows you to see
some basic info about the file.
Q7: Can I lock my phone from a distance if I suspect something bad is happening?
A7: Yes, if you have activated Remote Lock in advance. At will, you can also switch on an alarm or even delete some files. See the Remote Lock section.
Q8: Does ADL Pro still work if someone steals my phone and replaces my SIM card? What protection do I have against this?
A8: ADL Pro remains active even if the SIM card is changed. There is a feature named SMS on SIM change. To protect your phone, you need to enable this
feature. When your SIM is changed, you will receive an SMS from the new number, containing the IMSI of the new card. See SMS on SIM Change.
Q9: My trial period is over and I still have some files in Secure Storage. Can I restore them without activating a license?
A9: Yes. Open ADL Pro and select Options > Restore protected files. However, to continue using ADL Pro after your trial period has expired, you need
to purchase a license.
Advanced Phone Lock | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() | Advanced Phone Lock is an integrated locker service which allows you to lock any application from your smartphone. Nobody can use the locked applications without to know the password. You can lock any important application which stores sensitive data for you like credit card numbers, financial data, passwords, images, sms messages or anything else important for you. The service is also able to lock the phone and keypad. When the phone is locked, you or somebody else have to enter the password in order to unlock and continue to use the phone as normally. The same password is used for any lock/unlock action in order to have an easy use. * Applications Lock key features. - you can select and lock as many as applications you wish. - allows you to set the lock mode. If set on 'When shown', the password to unlock the application is asked every time when you or somebody else try to use the locked application. If set on 'Use autolock', the password to unlock the application is asked only the first time. The password will be asked later only after the inactivity time you have set in the settings. - automatically closes/exits the application if you cancel to enter the password in the lock form. This saves memory for the normal phone usage. - able to disable the lock if charging. This helps when you drive the car and you have plugged the phone in the car's charger. If you plug-in the charger and enter the password, the applications will no more be locked as long as the charger is plugged-in. You can use the phone as normally and you will not be disturbed by the lock service while you are driving. When you plug-out the charger, the applications will automatically be locked again. - all applications lock settings can be changed (enabled/disabled). * Phone Lock key features. - able to lock after the phone is powered-on (lock at boot). - you can set an autolock period after which the phone is automatically locked (1-30 minutes). - the phone can be locked by the long press of a key (hotkey). You can define the hotkey long press period between 1 to 10 seconds and choose the hotkey from a list. - locks the phone if the case (slider or cover) is closed or opened. - able to lock the keypad also when the phone is locked. - disable the phone lock if charging. This works similar like for the applications lock described above. - all phone lock settings can be changed (enabled/disabled). * IMPORTANT: - When started the first time, you need to enter the default password which is 1234. You can change the password from the main menu. - Using Advanced Phone Lock, it is strongly recommended you lock the 'Installer' and the 'Applications Manager' built-in applications in order to prevent unauthorised persons to uninstall any application (including Advanced Phone Lock). |
Kaspersky Mobile Security v8.0.(13855) Pre-Beta2 Beta Testers Edition Cr@cked by Radicalz38
Kaspersky Mobile Security 8.0 is designed to ensure complex protection of mobile devices.
The product provides the following functionality to the user:
1. File system scan for viruses or other malicious programs by user's demand or according to the schedule
2. On-access anti-virus file scan
3. Opportunity to quarantine infected objects and disinfect some of them
4. Anti-virus databases update by user's demand or according to the schedule via GPRS, Wi-Fi, EDGE or ActiveSync (for Windows Mobile version)
5. Blocking unsolicited SMS messages and calls
6. Opportunity to block the user data in case the device is lost or stolen
7. Opportunity to delete user data in case the device is lost or stolen
8. Device protection against network attacks via TCP/IP
9. Opportunity to create a folder for saving files in the encrypted form
10. Opportunity to identify the phone location remotely (if the device is equipped with a GPS receiver)
11. Opportunity to block outgoing calls and messages to the specified numbers.
The product has a user-friendly and intuitive interface.
The product can be installed to the main memory of the mobile device only.
Product components:
Kaspersky Mobile Security 8.0 comprises the following components:
* Anti-Virus
* Anti-Spam
* Anti-Theft
* Firewall
* Encryption
* Parental control
System requirements:
The product runs only on mobile devices that support SMS receipt and sending and work under the following operating systems:
* Symbian OS 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 Series 60 (Nokia smartphones only).
1. Fix minor encryption module bugs.
2. Upgraded encryption to
Symbian: Rijndael, 128 bit
3. Enhanced Scanning speed.
4. Working Parental Control module.
5. Minor Compatibility issues fixed.
6. Some text errors on help corrected.
Kaspersky Mobile Security
Anti-Theft Protection for Your Smartphone!
Anti-Theft Protection
- Remotely blocks or deletes all personal data on your
phone if it’s lost or stolen. - Notifies you with the new phone number if your SIM card
is removed.
Anti-Malware Protection
- Blocks unwanted SMS & adware messages.
- Keeps your phone free of malicious programs.
- Prevents your PC from becoming infected when syncing.
What if you left your smartphone in a taxi or on a table in a café? What if it was stolen? Who would have access to all your contacts, messages, and personal and business files?
Kaspersky Mobile Security is a convenient and easy way to protect your confidential information and block malicious attacks and annoying SMS spam on your smartphone.
Why is it necessary to protect your mobile device? The loss or theft of your phone means that your personal data can end up in the hands of a stranger. Plus, smartphones can fall victim to malicious attacks while downloading information from the Web, exposing the data on your phone to be stolen or damaged. And the growth of SMS spam is becoming an increasing nuisance.
Designed by one of the most respected Internet Security Labs in the world, Kaspersky Mobile Security delivers the newest anti-cybercrime technologies directly to mobile devices with reliable anti-theft and anti-malware protection for your smartphone.
Anti-Theft Protection
To protect personal data stored on your smartphone if lost or stolen, you can block your smartphone or delete files, messages, and your contacts remotely. You can also find out who’s the “new owner.”
SMS Block – In the event of loss, you can send a “hidden SMS message” to block access to your smartphone until a pre-set password is entered.
SMS Clean – Similar to SMS Block, this will completely clean out your smartphone’s memory and memory cards.
SIM Watch – The SMS Block and SMS Clean functions are only available if a smartphone has the original SIM card installed. If your phone is stolen, the “new owner” will most likely replace the original SIM card. The SIM Watch will prevent the thief from accessing your data without the original SIM card in the device. If the original SIM card is replaced with a new one, SIM Watch automatically sends to you the new telephone number of the device without the thief’s knowledge.
Anti-Malware Protection
SMS Spam Messages – Intrusive SMS messages containing adware can be a nuisance.
Kaspersky Mobile Security can block SMS messages sent from unwanted or incorrect addresses as well as SMS messages with inappropriate content. Add phone numbers of known spam sources, incorrect numbers or unwanted text to a blacklist for blocking. Add your contact list to a safe white list. In the Symbian version, MMS messages are also filtered.
Malicious Phone Attacks – Mobile devices malware can delete or steal confidential information, send mass SMS and MMS messages from infected phones, dial premium rate numbers without your knowledge, and transfer malicious code to a PC once a connection is established.
Kaspersky Mobile Security provides real-time anti-malware scanning of all incoming files and connections to keep you free of malicious programs. You can pre-set the best time for scanning to be performed automatically. If an infected object is detected, it is stored in the quarantine folder or deleted.
![]() | ![]() | Kaspersky Mobile Security can remotely block a lost smartphone or delete all the data stored on it. It can also block SMS messages sent from unwanted or incorrect addresses as well as those with inappropriate content. | |
Anti-virus databases are automatically updated at intervals set by the user. Set your scanner settings and set your scanning schedule right from your phone. | ![]() | ![]() |
System requirements
Symbian | Windows |
Symbian 9.x Series 60 3rd | Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.0 |
single pack
webgate user manual
security genius
advance phone lock
kaspersky mobile
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